We are now at my place.
I sort stuff to throw away
G calls at 8:30am and I have to admit that I need help.
G cleans my apartment like a mad woman
She cleaned my oven.
She used oven cleaner to make the kitchen sink immaculate.
My Guy carried bag after bag of garbage out to the garage.
and the two of them kept me on task.
The two of them saved my bacon.
Several times I almost broke down into hysterical fits of sobbing. Once when I was trying to get someone to take four boxes of stuff over to FnB and they were staring at me like I was insane because I was too hysterical and deranged to string together a coherent sentence, much less a persuasive argument. Once as I threw away every note, paper, lecture outline, and exam from ten years of learning. It's gone. brilliantly written exams, papers, lecture notes, overheads, everything is gone.
The woman moving in intimated that I was using utilities that she was paying for and that I should give her money to cover them. I pointed out that utilities were $40 a month, handed her $4, and advised her to go buy a sandwich. She might have been joking but I was to cracked out to have a sense of humor.
I have never had a move this chaotic
i have never tried to write a thesis and make deadlines while moving.
I have never had to move from an unfurnished place to a furnished one
I have never moved out of two apartments at one time
I have never had to beg the next tenant to wait until later in the day to take up residence.
I have never done a move this big without my parents
I have never had to sort through 10 years worth of stuff.
I have never never never had anyone clean for me in a move.
People have helped me packed and moved stuff for me
But I have always chased them away and done all the cleaning myself.
I have never depended so heavily on the kindness of friends.
The memory of this move makes me ashamed.
G cleaned my oven on her birthday.
She left my house to get blood work done for her elbow surgery next week.
I am the lowest of the low.
A guy with a huge van comes over and takes all of my cleaning supplies off my hands, engine oil and several knicknacks. It Seems that people with vans are all about the collecting of what is discarded.
2:30pm we are out.
I am trying to figure out what to do about the gadzillion bags of garbage in the garage.
No time for a huge bonfire. Plus, that would be unsafe and polluting.
My Guy and I weave over to the 705 and attempt to nap. It works for about 2 or 3 hours.
He is shoving a Red Bull at me at 6:30pm.
I seem to recall him shoving a Red Bull at me on a number of occassions on Monday and Tuesday.
7pm went to G's for her birthday barbeque
She gets a marble rolling pin, MP gets a bicycle pump and a few boxes.
had excellent ribs
broke open my thesis defense champagne (Besserat de Bellefon Champagne) to drink with G for her birthday and as my leaving CU champagne
i pass the bottle around the party and we are drinking it like hobos.
(i relaly like it, though and I am buying a case of it for my defense, provided that I manage to defend.)
got to hear someone play music on a church lady electric organ.
Also EF's birthday, back at the 705 by 10pm
She gets muffin pans and liner cups
drank with EF and the fine folks at the 705
it was a party with polariods
very cute but, again, confirming that everyone on the planet takes a better picture than I do - fungus takes a better picture than I do.
accidentally hit B in the nose while trying to dance like a punk to Tom Petty
MN and Z came by the 705 and I got to see them one more time before leaving.
Kitchen chat with MN saves me from playing Circle of Death and probably from puking that night.
My Guy and I took EF to Crane Alley for a Minderaser and a Lambic.
we are back at 3am
my polaroids were all bad too. i think i am having ugly picture month.
nonsense. you are adorable as always.
i think i must have skimmed over the part where you slept the last few days. Oh, wait, hmmm, I wonder why you thought you weren't photogenic...
BBFK: I'm just not in general but the pall of stress and sleep deprivation can't help. To be sure.
fishlamp: I can't help the guilt right now. It's kind of deeply ingrained with my family culture. But I agree that I owe a debt of help to a desperate friend in the future.
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