I heard the tail end of a radio interview with Aaron Glantz, an unembedded journalist who was in Iraq. Interesting.
He has written the speech that he would like to heard GW give with regard to the war on Iraq. It is eloquent and diplomatic. But I doubt that it (or something like it) will be given by our current president. Because to give that speech would require an administration that actually cares about liberation, or weapons of mass destruction, or a belief in a nation's self-determination.
Each of us can toss in our two cents about what this is really about. Your two cents might have something to do with a new world order, keeping America safe, fighting terrorism, or making neighborhoods all the world over more closely resemble Naperville, IL. My three cents are: 1. gaining greater influence in the middle east through someone besides Israel, 2. an excuse to maintain a physical milatary presence in said region, 3. the oil, Baby, the oil. But hey, I'm a giraffe, I sleep standing up. What do I know?
(But a speech such as this does provide some very persuasive language and talking points for those who might want to campaign against the neo-cons in upcoming elections. *cough*)
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