Friday, August 12, 2005

the two kinds of Harry Potter people ...

Note: do not click on the link if you have not finished reading "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" yet. (SFMD, this means you.)

Dear Friends, MomVee is working out a theory about Harry Potter readers.

Of great interest to me is what else can be extrapolated from this initial distinction. I think there's seeds for a really good "You are" quiz.


Lever said...

Oh bugger. Now "Harry Potter people" are to be 2x sorts of Harry Potter people? Will those 2x sorts of "Harry Potter people" in turn become 2x sorts of "Harry Potter people" so that we then have 4x sorts and so on and so forth...? This sounds like some sort of lab experiment thing... like germs multiplying in a petri dish... I'm just happy being a guy who just happened to read Harry Potter, enjoying some bits and maybe not so much others...

See, I didn't even mention **********'s *****! :p

ergo said...

Nice non reveal in that last line.

For my own part, I am hoping to screen potential bandmates through the Harry Potter principle. It might save me some of the usual tension and drama associated with such endeavors.

The whole: what are your influences thing was not so helpful last time around.

And I encourage you to rethink your position on germs. Some of them are very cool. What is life without cheese and yogurt and all? ; )