Tuesday, June 28, 2005

new favorite word

The usage that I have encountered is to steal: grab + yank = gank.

It's not a nice word, but it sounds great. Try it out.
Gank, gank, gank.

When I was young my parents took me with them to a dinner party. The eldest daughter of the host decided that she was too cool to hang out with me. I sat in her room and entertained myself with her stuffed animals. The best one was a plush stuffed penguin which I ganked at the end of the night. After some negotiation, I was persuaded to release it to its rightful owner in exchange for a stuffed penguin of my own. (No meaningful life lessons were learned here.) My parents were very embarassed. Hers were very amused.


BeckyBumbleFuck said...

It sounded like she deserved to have her penguin lifted....er, um...ganked. ;)

Anonymous said...

gank, ganking, ganked is quite proper and popular in southern vernacular, and has been for at least a good decade. i remember the first time i had something valuable to me ganked right out from under me in high school. i forget what it was...

ergo said...

BBFK: Felt good to say it, right? =)

Guy: I am wrestling with the urge to commit acts of petty gankery so's I can use this word more.