Sunday, June 05, 2005

achieving true lameness

After the fest I was starving and went to the grocery store for a frozen pizza. I went to a different store and while wandering through the produce section found that green leaf lettuce was 80 cents cheaper! I gathered my purchases in an act of total dorkiness drove to my regular store to do some consumer fact finding. I walked the aisles and compared the prices of everything I just purchased. Everything was 10-50 cents more expensive at my usual place. Everyone else is there buying liquor or beer. It's Saturday night yeee haw! And then there's me, clucking my tongue at the price of block cheese.

My Guy has been gone for almost a week and besides nights of poor sleep, I have been holding up really well. We have been together long enough and been through enough together that I do not jump to the conclusion that an uneventful phone conversation is a sign of the beginning of the end. I know that he is coming back to me on Tuesday. (I am his ride.)

But I left the grocery missing him horribly. Not only because my weekend has been reduced to this. But also because I always drag him with me to the grocery (Which he hates. He is not motivated by hunger in the quite the way I am.) And because he would not have let me go on my consumer reports spy mission. And because I laugh picturing him thinking about what an incredible square I am as he reads this.


BeckyBumbleFuck said...

How have you managed to make a grocery-shopping trip so damn cute? Or maybe I'm just seeing everything through rose-colored love glasses....*wink*

ergo said...

My Dear, you are love drenched.(I refer the rest of ya to eat these crumbs). Please take them glasses off before you cross the street (and put your contacts back in!). The love makes you whole but we need to keep you in one piece. At least until the british invasion!

searchingforMrDarcy said...

you must have been schucks?

Kat E said...

Sooz, I always knew you were a geek but the comparison-shopping jaunt gave me a good laugh. And yes, BBFK is indeed love-drenched ;) hooray for love!

ergo said...

SFMD: it was indeed shnooks

KatE: The other idea possible title for this blog was "Adventures in Geekery."

Hooray indeed.