Saturday, December 23, 2006

this computer has an egg timer

Or something close to it.

I am at the home of my parents in C-ville.
They have dial-up and an ancient computer that seems to run by coal-fired engine and freeze up with some frequency. Probably when it needs more coal.

It's unclear to me how I will manage my itch for internet during the course of my stay.

Whenever I come home things are wacky in a new way. But the wackiness aspect is a given. This year my parents have a new favorite dessert peeled aloe leaves steeped in a tart muscat grape juice, what was formerly my bedroom is now a sitting room and the second floor is under major rennovation. But it's really great to see them. For a little bit I feared I wouldn't make it. The universe might throw up walls to block your path but with the right mindset you can, like a rat, find an opening and get through to the other side.

For now stop a second, take a deep breath, and drink in the moment. This holiday thing is going to work out. Promise.


Lever said...

Merry Xmas :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Jesus Day. Send the rents my best...

ldbug said...

Ugh dialup!! My parents have that too.. but I brought my own computer and sneak off the neighbors wifi...

Merry Christmas!!!!

Kat E said...

I'm dying to hear how you enjoyed the aloe leaf dessert...

ergo said...

lever: Thanks, Mate, Hope yours was merry as well.

se: To you as well. I did and will. Talk about memes, who started this whole Jesus Day thing anyway?

snowcrush: the neighbors in C-ville insist on security with their wifi. *shrug* Glad you've got access. *wink*

kat e: errrm. Tart, muscatty, very fibrous, medicinal.