I am just trying to get it down so I don't forget. Which happens a lot. My non-virtual journal entries tend to devolve into lists of things to do that never get done. This place is filling up fast with brainfarts. Here, take this clothespin.
If Google brought you here, I'm sorry. You are unlikely to find what you were searching for. But there's plenty to see if you care to browse around.
Stronger in what way?
Would you still be you?
Stronger emotionally/mentally. I would like to be less sensitive, cause it doesn't turn out to be that useful.
Although your question gives me pause, being able to open a jar of pickles unassisted would be kind of cool.
As to whether I'd still be me, I might be someone a lot like me with a sour puss from eating all of those pickles.
OK. I need to call.
you are very strong. just a big procrastinator.
Interesting. I often wish I was _more_ sensitive. I suppose it's a 'grass is always greener'-type phenomenon.
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