Thursday, February 08, 2007

train games

It started with a game called "Is my boyfriend on the train?" I would look around and find the cutest guy. Then imagine what it would be like to date him. Until one of us exited the train. The first one to leave is the dumper.

Then there was "The theme of the train." I would sit on the train and look around searching for a theme that would encompass the experience of that particular trip. Some are on myspace.

Then, I spent some time trying to read on the train. I read "Chuck Klosterman IV: A Decade of Curious People and Dangerous Ideas" and "Real Food: What to Eat and Why" by Nina Plank.

And now I have started to play a train game I like to call "Subway Stop Chicken." I get drowsy on the ride home and I try to nap as long as I can without sleeping through my subway stop. I open one eye at the stop before and go back to sleep trying to cut it as close as I can.


Anonymous said...

O...M...G!!! i feel like i've been reading a page torn out of a shakespeare play, and then someone hands me the entire thing, or, like, i've been listening to a few downloaded tracks of the white album, and then i go buy the whole double LP, or, like, I was just looking at a corner of starry night and then someone told me to back up so i could see the whole thing.....

i think im going to play "is my boyfriend on the train?" the next time i take one...

and since i like stealing your themes (imitation is the highest form of admiration...), i might do a "brought to you by the letter __"....

ldbug said...

I love the "is my boyfriend on the train" one it's my favorite and I still play it:-)

Anonymous said...

There you are! I lost you after NaNo. Find me on the STL forum and nanomail me your email address.


ergo said...

anon: *grin* Let me know if you need me to assign you a letter.

ldbug: I might have to revist that game myself. Reading on the train gives me a touch of motion sickness.

gypsy! hey lady great hearing from you. how's it going?

keNYC said...

OK, i'm ready for my letter assignment....just go easy on me, alright? i'm a tender young blogger. don't give me something hard like "Q" or "beta" or something... =D