Sunday, February 04, 2007

looking for love in all the wrong places

I took the pina colada song off the "You should message me if" section of my online dating profile. Thing is, I don't know what to put in its stead.

The RM suggests - "You should message me if: You like meat. 'cause I like meat."

Running through a variety of options -

"You should message me if: You find cynicism and hyperbole sexy."
"You should message me if: You wait until at least the third date to drop trou."
"You should message me if: You have seen the softer side of Sears."
"You should message me if: This is your United States of Whatevah"
"You should message me if: you find disorganization and clutter, charming."
"You should message me if: you like crowds, will eat anything, and don't have a problem with sleeping the floor."


I really don't know who should message me.


MomVee said...

You should message me if: you're learning to face the path at your pace. Every choice is worth your while.

Kat E said...

You have some good ideas there, but I would be a little worried about the potential responders who "will eat anything and don't have a problem sleeping on the floor" (anything? dead rats? roadkill? sleeping on the floor of the subway?). Probably not the best idea to flaunt your disorganization as a selling point. Personally, I think "you find cynicism and hyperbole sexy" is the best one :) But then again, you're not trying to get ME to message you!

BeckyBumbleFuck said...

LMAO at Kat E...
Hmmm. How 'bout: IM me if you would like to watch me sing regularly AND can speak philosophy with my Dad without getting flustered