Monday, July 11, 2005

pennies from heaven

I bought a bottle of lemonade with my credit card.
A whopping $1.09 that I did not have in cash.
So sad. Except that the man behind the counter told me that there's folks that will charge a pack of gum.
"And that's 37 cents!" he declared with a laugh, "You spend your money however you want, I won't judge."

My temporarily low cash flow state has me thinking about the panhandlers of San Fran. I saw this guy who would hide behind a piece of fencing that he had covered in fake foliage. He sat behind it in a high traffic part of Fisherman's Warf and when a group of tourists walked by he would jump out from behind it with a big shout - startling the poor hapless visitors, and causing the on-lookers much amusement. (very candid camera) And then he would request a small donation from people for having made them laugh.

Not to mention the belly dancers, bucket drummers, the busking musicians, the guy who "needs five more dollars to get gas for the van so he can get his family home", and the guys with the signs that read "I just want a beer."


BeckyBumbleFuck said...

Damn, I *hate* being strapped for cash. (LMAO...and literally *just* as I was typing that sentence I got a call from the bank about a problem....classic....)

ergo said...

OMG. Too funny. (strange and haha)
Hope that gets sorted out with you in the plus column.

searchingforMrDarcy said...

If I had cash, I'd give it to the guy who just wanted beer. I like honest beggars. Scam beggars are at the top of my all time pissed off list. Right up there with people who can't wipe up there chemical spill or put the cuvette back.

ergo said...

Hmmm, I get the impression we have shifted from talking about panhandlers to bad lab citizens. (I'm with ya on your short list .)

Me, I like the straightforward guys but, I'd throw a few dollars towards a really original story so long as they don't try and insist that they are gonna pay me back.