There was a knot in my throat from the moment I woke up.
And although I could swallow and I could breathe and speak, it felt like I was choking.
What if it was due to a state of mind?
I walked up and down the corridor. Which didn't help.
I stepped outside. Also didn't help.
I walked. Also didn't help.
I listened to my favorite songs. Also didn't help.
I spoke with friends. Which helped a little.
I sat under my desk, pulled in the chair, and listened to Bjork.
Which didn't actually help. But I am thinking of putting a lava lamp, beaded curtain and a bean bag chair down there.
I went to yoga and that helped. During the practice and for an hour or two afterwards I could breathe.
But now I feel a little constricted again.
Does that ever happen to you?
I am wondering if it's not a state of mind but rather a state of body. Maybe I ate something disagreeable today and I have heartburn or acid reflux. The roast beast sandwich was the wrong choice. Or perhaps there were peanuts or chickpeas hidden in my snacks or lunch today. I don't know.
Clearly, I am reacting to something.
Clearly, I need to get something out of my system.
The question is what?
Sounds uncomfortable, to say the least. Hope it's not serious. Take it easy, and take care!
Funny you should say that... I had that knot today, too. It was a hot lump in my throat. I reached in, and pulled out a tightly wound ball of rubber bands, which when I started unraveling became completely undone because they had all been snipped in half. The core of this lump was a hair ball of pubes. It was gross.
Sounds like an allergic reaction. Are you taking any medications? Eat anything peculiar last night?
Erm. Well , there has been a very mucuous-inducing virus going around. My mom described it as a grapefruit in her throat. On the plus side, I was told I had a very sexy voice during my bout with it (of course sex was the LAST thing on my mind.) ;) So if ya wanna turn 'em on and leave 'em hanging, this may be the perfect time...
Yes this happens to me. It's the angst - severe ontological angst. I'm reading a good book now, and it seems to help. Maybe you should read it... hm...
(have fun on tour!!)
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