AL and I got to talking about what electronic means we use to communicate and socialize.
Upon hearing about my presence on blogger, myspace, and livejournal and my myriad of email addresses he declared me to be a cyberslut.
I suppose the proper response to that is:
*giggle* *wink* *giggle*
Can you beleive there was life before blogging....? Hmmmm. I can't. ;)
And slut-away, Babe. The internet will, ideal boys...everything but rashes and other communicable diseases. :D
LOL@BumbleFuck =)
Yes, the Internet is like a bountiful ocean; personally I netted myself onehelluva catch!! Though her blog does make me itchy sometimes ;) :p
bbfk: I think I was talking to more people in my life before blogging. =)
I'm not sure we're referring to the same internet here, Babe. Yours sounds pretty cool, though. ;)
If only the internet would dust and mop floors ...
lever: Yes, you did to the dismay of the male part of her adoring public i'm sure.
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