Monday, September 09, 2013

Too Many Dates

Now that I have cleared the big box of wine, the next challenge is dates.  My parents in a classic act of love mailed me two containers of neglet noor dates.  Each container is about two pounds.  They are pitted, dry and very, very sweet.  Too sweet to eat straight.

So I am trying to figure out what to do with four pounds of dates.

Round one,  Crackle-top Gingerbread Date Cookies
The recipe uses a cup of dates.  It wasn't as many dates as I hoped it would be.  But it's a start.


MomVee said...

You can use them to sweeten your smoothies, esp. green smoothies.

Date nut bread.

Stuff with walnuts, roll in granulated sugar, and fill cute containers as gifts.

ergo said...

Thanks MomVee!

It could be that it is time for me to explore the wild world date-sweetened smoothies and if you see news stories about loaves of date nut bread abandoned on subway platforms, that might be me too...