A quick summary:
We played at these venues:
Thunderbird CoffeeHouse
the Garfield Artworks Gallery
the Barclay house
PA's Lounge
The Milestone the Milestone's myspace
Ground Zero
Ground Zero's myspace
Baba Budans in Cincinnati, OH
the Black Sheep Cafe
We played with these bands:
The Emotron
the Rick Johnson Rock and Roll Machine
Me Just Being Me
Spiff and Krisis
Army of Kashyyk
The Cheapshot
PB Army
The Situation
Math the Band
Catherine Cavanaugh of Chop Chop
the Afrosheen Explosion
the Press
JT and the Blame
the Mean Girls
the Kare Bare Mafia
The Rot Aways
I got introduced or reintroduced to these new things/people:
spermcube.org donor kit
The House of Cosby
the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny
george washington
Plug In Music
Fast Piece of Furniture
Quatre Tete
the Mathematicians
Wonder Showzen
M.C. Donald's
Dude takes bad ass pictures
Springfield will rub Freezepops on your chest.
Cincinnati joined us for a conga line
Marietta - the girls are frisky. Very frisky.
Spartanburg is full of hugs, booze and beautiful women.
Charlotte took my hand.
Takoma Park sits quietly through the show, even if you light your crotch on fire. But they offer great hospitality after.
Boston - some rock out every night. 'cuz that's how they roll!
Philly is sweet and surly.
Baltimore loves games and crafts.
Temperance gave us pancakes and plungers.
Jackson offered to take us home and keep us.
Touring made me feel like a badass and forced me to live in the moment.
I got to piss in the woods, meet new people, and hear new bands.
The downside of touring is too much time driving, the amorphous downtime between acts , no chance to really see the places you are visiting, and too much junk food.
Who you go on tour with is so important and I was lucky to have excellent travel companions.
I like jumping around and singing my guts off.
It's cool staying at other people's homes.
I like seeing people in their element, seeing how people live.
And I am touched by the kindness of strangers and the love of their pets.
There are a lot of really talented artistic people in this country. Everywhere you turn from Toledo to Takoma Park.
Bands like free meals - feed the bands. They like having somewhere to crash. They like drink tickets, internet access and a clean towel. Oh, and they like it when you let them do laundry at your place.
It's really hard to break even much less make money.
Bring a towel, socks, and a sheet/blanket. Most other stuff you can probably pick up on the road if you need it. Finding a ways to dry your toothbrush is tricky.
The price of admission doesn't really pay the bands. Buying a t-shirt/sticker/CD/DVD pays the bands.
I am a little too old to do this. It can be pretty grueling. After travel, a show, and a bite to eat I rarely had the energy to party much less hang or carry on a conversation.
Having a DVD player in your minivan is sweet. Playing shows with good (and/or) nice bands is also sweet.
Mad love to the Mystechs with warm wishes for their tours of the West Coast and Texas. I blow kisses in your general direction. And mad love to The Emotron as well.
Aw. You made it sound glorious. :)
Busy busy busy!
Would ya do it again?
And a little too old? Pah! :p
bbfk: heh. Well at least some of the time.
fishlamp: It was indeed.
lever: I would! I am more than a little too old. Need to bring my own oxygen tank.
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